How to Help Your Wife Enjoy Sex

  1. Communicate - Talk about sex often. What do you both enjoy? What could you try (ex. edibles for oral, a new position, etc.)?

  2. Let her know that you are thinking about her throughout the day.

  3. Seduce her. Buy her flowers, date her and treat her with love.

  4. Incorporate non-sexual touch throughout the week.

  5. Busy sexy lingerie together. Shop at a store like Honoring Intimates with no lewd images, so you both can shop safely and confidently.

  6. Get the bedroom (and yourself) ready for romance. Light some candles. Take a shower. Clean up the bedroom.

  7. Take your time. Incorporate lubricant and/or sex toys to increase her pleasure.

  8. Be there. Let the distractions of life go when you are together for intimacy. Enjoy each other.

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